Page 4 - study plan 6 years
P. 4

Course                               Cr            Labs   Multi                         Total    تابلطتملا
               Name                                 Lect.                 Small   Clinical  Exam
        Code                                Hrs            Group   media         / Skills       Hours   قباس   نمازت
         ISC     44.  Medical Interviewing skills 3
         401                                  3      15      0      0      28     20       2      65     Y    0
         ISC     45.  Medical Professionalism 3
         402                                  3      14      0      8      28     30       3      83     Y    0
                 46.  Multidisciplinary Clinical
         ISC        Problems                  4      21      0      20     32     32       3      108    Y    0
         ISC     47.  Integrated Clinical Skills
         404                                  5      25      0      30     20     60       5      140    Y    0
         ISC     48.  Non therapeutic Care Clerkship
         405                                  2      8       6      0      15     24       2      55     Y    0

        TOTAL           Semester 7           17      83      6      58     123    166     15     451

                                                      نماثلا يساردلا لصفلا

        Course                               Cr            Labs   Multi                         Total    تابلطتملا
               Name                                 Lect.                 Small   Clinical  Exam
        Code                                Hrs            Group   media         / Skills       Hours   قباس   نمازت
                49.  Community ’Medicine
         IMC        (Ambulatory  Internal and   5    36      0      0       0      75      4      115   44-48   0
         401        Family Medicine )

                50.   Surgical Emergency and
         402        Trauma                    4      30      0      0       0      60      4      94   44-48   0
        NEUR    51.      Neurology            4      35      0      0       0      55      4      94   44-48   0
        Psych   52.      Psychiatry
         401                                  4      35      0      8       0      40      3      86   44-48   0
        TOTAL           Semester 8           17      136     0      8       0     230     15      389

            X=all courses in year 1,2- Z=academic courses plus systems without skills - Y=all previous courses (academic, system, skills)- W=all previous
                                             courses (academic, system, skills, Clerkships)

                                                      عساتلا يساردلا لصفلا
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