Page 2 - Study Plan at a Glance
P. 2
II. Integration in the curriculum
There are lot of horizontal, vertical and spiral integration models in the curriculum. Some of the
courses in the same semester or year are essentially either pre requisite or at least co requisite
for another courses. Medical terminology is a must and is integrated with the human body course.
Medical informatics is a must and prerequisite for the after coming biostatistics, research
methodology and evidence based medicine courses. Critical appraisal course needs all of these
courses again to be integrated. All the last three years courses adopt critical appraisal which
again will recall all the skills and knowledge that were given before.
Heavy doses of consultation skills are given through, subsequent courses of interviewing skills
and clinical skills, and all will be finished before the clerkships. All the essential history,
examination skills and performance of the needed procedures will also be finished before starting
clerkships. During clerkships, these basic points will not be re taught and it will be practiced
immediately from day one. Oblique integration will also be recalled whenever students at any
clerkship, feel that there is a need for revision of multiple different points from previous years, the
student will define his own gaps and try to find answers for them or ask the curriculum experts.
The presence of two licensing exams during the study period is again another motive to help
student studying and allow them to manage certain amount of information and certain number of
skills within certain period. This is very helpful for the cumulative scientific load of the medical
The courses which entails horizontal integration are coded with (IMC) as integrated modular
courses which reach the 4 level of infusion. (10 courses; 6 in year one, 2 in year two and 2
in year four) The courses which entails vertical integration are coded with (IDC) as integrated
disciplinary courses which reach the 6 level of joint teaching. (9 courses; all in year three)
The courses which entails horizontal integration are coded with (ISC) as integrated spiral courses
which reach the 9 level of contributory. (12 courses; 3 in year one, 4 in year two and 5 in
year four)