Page 50 - 5 year Arabic Bylaws
P. 50

عبارلا بابلا

                                                  تاررقملل رصتخم فصو

                   1.  Basic English / ( NB: Basic Arabic is given to non-Arabic speakers)
               These topics and areas will be covered; Recognize the four word parts that form medical terms;
               word  root,  combining  forms,  prefixes,  and  suffixes.  Name  word  roots,  combining  forms,
               prefixes and suffixes commonly used in health sciences.
                   2.  Medical English Terminology
               These  topics  and  areas  will  be  covered;  Identify  the  common  biomedical  terminology  in
               English, recognize words associated with anatomical structures, and pathology of common
               diseases, break down and reconstruct medical, dental & pharmaceutical terms according to
               word parts and descriptions and medical terms referring to each body system
                   3.  Human body (from cell to system) (Structure and function or Human body )
               This  module  is  a  multidisciplinary  approach  to  fully  integrate  the  disciplines  of  anatomy,
               physiology, histology, embryology, and neuroscience. The module is designed to provide a
               basic  understanding  of  the  normal  human  body  and  development,  with  emphasis  on  the
               dynamic relationships between structure and function. Students can apply their understanding
               of three-dimensional anatomy knowledge to interpreting normal medical imaging.
                   4.  Patient Safety
               Patient  safety  education  and  training  is  required  learning  for  all  levels  of  training  but
               particularly during the early  years when students are establishing the foundations for their
               clinical practice. Students can begin to learn practical lessons about patient safety as soon as
               they enter the classroom, ward or clinic. This requires more than classroom teaching: it requires
               teachers to demonstrate how they act to keep patients safe. Patient safety is a complex topic
               which includes new areas of knowledge such as human factors, systems, root cause analysis
               and risk reduction. Its principles and concepts apply to all areas of medicine. A safe practitioner
               integrates patient safety concepts and principles into their clinical practice.
                   5.  Medical Informatics
               Combined  use  of  communication  and  computer  applications  and  healthcare  is  known  as
               Medical Informatics (MI). Application areas of MI, or biomedical informatics, covers four
               main  areas:  clinical  informatics,  public  health  informatics,  imaging  informatics,  and
               bioinformatics. MI course will enable them to effectively manage health information in their
               future practice. Also, technology has become an integral part in healthcare environment during
               patient care.
                   6.  Biostatistics
               Most medical students are not destined to become producers of research and they usually call
               on professional statisticians for assistance. All medical decisions, from the simplest to the most
               complex, are made in the light of knowledge that has grown out of research. Whether we advise
               a patient to stop certain habit, to take a medication, or to undergo surgery, our advice must be
               made  on  the  basis  of  some  kind  of  research  evidence.    How  this  research  was  found,
               understood,  how  evidence  was  obtained  and  disseminated,  and  how  we  understand  it,  is
               therefore critical.

                       اطنط بط ةيلك نم ةدمتعم لا تاعاسلا ماظنب تارادجلا ىلع مئاقلا ةحارجلاو بطلا سويرولاكب جمانربل ةيلخادلا ةحئلالا

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