Page 15 - CBMBP Catalogue
P. 15

Course                            CREDIT         Labs.   Multi                        Total    Requisite
                  course name                    Lect.                 Small  clinical  Exam
         Code                              HRS.          Group  Media          / skills       Hrs.    Pre     co

         PATH    17. Painiciples of Pathology
         201                                3      30      0     5       0       2      1      22      0      0
         MMI     18. Painiciples of medical
         201     Microbiology               3      30      0     5       0       2      1      23      0      0
         PSY     19. Behavioral And Social  2                                                  39      0      0
         201     Sciences 1                        22      0     5       0       2      2
         PHAR                               3      22     50     10      0       4      4      100     0      0
         201     20. Principles Of Pharmacology

         PUB                                1      30     10     15      0       1      2      46      6      0
         201     21. Research Methodology

         PUP     22. Medical Epidemiology   2      9       0     25      0       1      2      49      6      0

          ICS                               2      16     20     15      0       0      3      68      15     0
         201     23. Medical Professionalism 2

          ISC                               2      11      0     10      18      0      2      45      16     0
         202     24. Introductory Clinical Skills

        TOTAL           semester 3         18     158     104      67   85       6      13      443

        Course                           CREDIT          Labs.  Multi                         Total    Requisite
                  course name                    Lect.                 Small  clinical  Exam
        Code                              HRS.           Group  Media         / skills        Hrs.    Pre     co

        PATH     25. Painiciples of parasitology
         201                                2     20      15     9       0      2      2       48      0      0
         IMC     26. HOST DEFENSE
         201                                3     25      20     0       20     2      3       70      0      0
         IMC     27. NEUROSCIENCE 1
         202                                3     31      10     10      10     0      4       65      0      0

         PSY     28. BEHAVIORAL AND SOCIAL   2    22       0     10      10     2      3       74      19     0
                 SCIENCES 2
         ISC                                2     10       0     14      30     0      0       54      16     0
         203     29. Medical Interviewing Skill 2

         PUP     30. Evidence Based Medicine  1    5      10     2       10     0      2       29      21     0

         ICS     31. Applied Clinical Skills  3   15      30     10      24     0      5       84      24     29

        TOTAL          semester 4          16     128     85       55   104     6      19       397

        Course                           CREDIT          Labs.                                Total    Requisite
                  course name                    Lect.          Multi  Small  clinical  Exam
        Code                              HRS.           Group  Media         / skills        Hrs.    Pre     co
          301    32. RESPIRATORY SYSTEM   3        30     4       4       16     8      4      66      4       4
          IDC   33. CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM  3       30     4       4       16     8      4      66      4       4
          IDC   34. RENAL-URINARY SYSTEM  4        41     6       6       20     10     4      87      6       6
          IDC   35. HEMATOLOGY/ONCOLOGY   4        39     6       6       20     12     4      87      6       6
          IDC    36. GASTROINTESTINAL SYSTEM  3    30     5       5       16     10     4      70      5       5
         FMCT    37. PRINCIPLES OF FORENSIC  1     11     5       5       0      0      2      23      5       5
         301     MEDICINE
         TOTAL                            18      181     30     30      88     48     22      399    30      30
   10   11   12   13   14   15   16   17   18   19   20