Page 24 - CBMBP Catalogue
P. 24

Operational framework and requirements.

       First: Analyze the situation of what is:
       Tanta Medical School has the basic infrastructure required by the student during the
       study of the program such as:
       1- Infrastructure:
       a) The terraces:
       There are ten terraces in the college building and seven terraces in the university
       hospitals suitable for 300 to 1000 students. They are equipped with audiovisual facilities
       including 5 air-conditioned and the rest are adapted. The terraces are located in suitable
       areas where the per capita area is 1.5 square meters.
       Each department of the colleges has one or two teaching rooms with a capacity of about
       50 -500 students equipped with audiovisual devices, monitors and computer screens
       A terrace in the Medical Education Center with capacity of 30 students
       b) Seminar classes:
       Seminar classes are present in the Medical Education Development Center with capacity
       of 30 students (2 square meters for each student).
       There are eight classrooms in the college and twenty-eight halls in the university
       hospitals (1.5 square meters for each student)
       c) Laboratories:
       Laboratories in all academic departments (2-4 labs in each department) There is a skills
       lab in the medical education center. There are six dissection rooms on the ground floor.
       d) Hospitals:
       Total number of beds is 1428 beds (before the opening of the global hospital) distributed
       among the following hospitals:
       * The main hospital.
       * Ophthalmology, nose, throat and ear hospital.
       * Student hospital for the treatment of students and faculty members and cases of
       economic treatment.
       * Tumors treatment building.
       * Tropical medicine and fever building.
       * Emergency Hospital.
       * New psychiatric and neurological hospital.
       * Outpatient clinics with clinical pathology, radiology and departmental clinics and
       students' terraces for practical lessons.
       Hospitals have a medical network service to reach a non-paper hospital. Communication
       between service departments (radiation and laboratories) for the patients' investigations
       and receive the results and recording all medical and surgical data on computers.
       A central kitchen is being run for all hospitals.
       An electronic network for patient affairs is being conducted in all hospitals.
       Central administrative units have been established for all hospital departments.
       Major hospital stores have been consolidated in one place.
       Radiology units are being connected to university hospitals electronically.
       A central hospital lab is being implemented inside the main hospital.
       The main morgue was moved to a private place within the main hospital.
       The building of the linear accelerator for the treatment of cancer is under construction.
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