Page 4 - minimal course description 6 years
P. 4

18. Principles of Medical Microbiology

               This course is designed mainly to prepare students to understand the systemic microbiology. It
               covers basic principles of bacteriology, virology, and mycology. Also it covers basic concepts
               of specimen collection for the clinical microbiology laboratory. There will be an introduction
               to the fascinating world of micro-organisms and prepares students for a lifetime of learning
               microbiology in relation to medicine and infectious diseases.

                   19. Behavioral and Social Sciences I
               The goal of this course is to provide students with an understanding of the role of psychosocial
               factors in illness and its treatment. A focus of this course will be on behavioral development
               and refinement of communication skills, particularly when interacting with patients whose
               values, beliefs, and experiences differ from those of the student.

                   20. Principles of Pharmacology

               The goal of this course is to facilitate student learning of principles that are fundamental to
               understanding  drug  action  and  the  development  of  new  drug  therapy.  The  overall  Sub-
               competency  of  is  to  introduce  students  to  the  principles  of  drug  development,
               pharmacogenomics, pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, drug metabolism, and factors that
               influence  drug  response,  and  principles  in  the  development/evaluation/control  of  various
               therapeutic agents.

                   21. Research Methodology
               The course lays the foundation for the Introduction to Evidence-Based Medicine. Evidence
               comes  usually  from  researches  and  research  is  conducted  using  different  methodologies.
               Medical  research  aims  to  discover  the  relationship  between  one  or  more  events  or
               characteristics (exposure) and others (effect).
                   22. Medical Epidemiology

               Epidemiology  is  highly  dynamic.  According  to  the  currency  of  the  disease  status  and
               prevalence, the direction of epidemiologic research will vary. Epidemiology includes studying
               health determinants, chronic diseases and more recently molecular or genetic predisposition.

                   23. Medical Professionalism II
               By participating in classes and activities, students will have the opportunity to learn about and
               develop in various areas of lifestyle management that contribute to becoming a successful
               physician. These skills are mastered with an emphasis on patient-focused, compassionate and
               professional behavior and are taught in the larger context of multicultural medicine, different
               contexts, gender specific medicine and other related socioeconomic aspects. The student will
               learn how to deal with others from colleagues or other health team to improve collaboration
               and quality of care. The final Sub-competency is the development of effective and efficiently
               functioning health care teams that are needed to deliver high quality care in an increasingly
               complex healthcare environment.
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