Page 9 - minimal course description 5 years
P. 9
Neurologic problems may account for up to 1 in 5 hospital admissions. Stroke is the third
leading cause of death in the U.S., and is the single most common cause of long-term disability,
and Alzheimer’s disease is a growing public health problem. For these and other reasons,
education of non-specialists in diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of neurologic disease is
essential to integrated health care delivery.
60. Pediatrics 1
This is a 3 weeks clerkship, where the students will rotate between sections of general
Pediatrics especially the inpatient cases or the chronic cases. This course is preparatory to
general medicine disesases and disorders.
61. Medical Specialties 1
The Medical Specialties 1 Clerkship introduces the student to the workup, diagnosis, treatment
and follow-up of a wide variety of medical domains. The student spends 3 weeks on the
subspecialties, oncology, dermatology; and rheumatology. Students are responsible for the
evaluation and workup of patients in the wards. Participation in daily inpatient
multidisciplinary ward rounds is emphasized as well as active participation in a wide array of
bedside evaluation and examination. In-hospital call is a requirement.
62. Internal Medicine 2
This is a 5 weeks clerkship, where the students will rotate between sections of general medicine
especially the inpatient cases or the chronic cases. This course is complementary to the previous
ambulatory internal and family medicine course in year four, which was concerned mainly with
causalities and emergency conditions. During this clerkship, students participate and
demonstrate competence in humanistic and evidence-based inpatient and outpatient care of
patients with common core medical disorders as per attached list.
63. Obstetrics and Gynecology 2
This is a 5 weeks clerkship, the student is considered an integral part of the clinical team and
has the opportunity for a broad range of clinical experiences in the Labor and Delivery suite,
operating room, ambulatory clinics and inpatient hospital services. Didactic sessions including
lectures, clinical skills workshops and case study seminars supplement the core clinical
64. Medical Specialties 2
The Medical Specialties Clerkship introduces the student to the workup, diagnosis, treatment
and follow-up of a wide variety of medical domains. The student spends 3 weeks on the
subspecialties, chest, cardiology, & tropical medicine. Students are responsible for the
evaluation and workup of patients in the wards. Participation in daily inpatient
multidisciplinary ward rounds is emphasized as well as active participation in a wide array of
bedside evaluation and examination. In-hospital call is a requirement.
65. Surgical Specialties 1
The Surgical Specialties Clerkship introduces the student to the workup, diagnosis, treatment
and follow-up of a wide variety of surgical domains. The student spends 3 weeks on the surgical
specialties anesthesiology; neurosurgery, & thoracic surgery. Students are responsible for the
evaluation and workup of patients in the wards.
66. Life Cycle Electives Package
67. General Surgery 2