Page 1 - Competency ILOs
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Competency Based Program intended learning outcomes or C-ILOs (70 ILOs)
The objectives are formulated by two methods; the first is following the adopted ACGME general
competencies and its sub or Key Competencies.
1. Domain 1 (Area 1) Medical Knowledge
Description: Graduates must demonstrate knowledge about established and evolving biomedical,
clinical, and cognate (e.g. epidemiological and social-behavioral) sciences and the application of this
knowledge to patient care and the education of others.
Key Competencies
Competency 1: Identify the basic and clinical sciences and integrating them in medical practice.
Objective 1: Describe the normal structure and function of the human body at the whole body, organ,
cellular, and molecular levels and integrate them to clinical practice.
Objective 2: Discuss the non-biological, cultural influences, psychosocial development from birth
through old age, normal behavioral and personality traits and integrate them with the development and/or
continuation of disease.
Objective 3: Identify common and significant clinical problems and diseases with explanation of their
risk factors, pathophysiology, symptoms, signs, and diagnostic tests with a special care to the life threatening
Objective 4: Delineate the spectrum of pharmacologic, surgical, psychological treatments of
common disorders; the biological and sociocultural role of complementary medicine; common adverse effects
of such treatment; and the efficacy of all interventions.
Objective 5: Clarify the role of nutrition, exercise, lifestyles, and explain them for preventive medicine
in promoting health and decreasing risk of disease; with recognition of the epidemiology of common medical
disorders and approaches of disease screening and early detection.
Competency 2: Delineate investigatory planning and analytic thinking approaches.
Objective 6: Identify and utilize the essential knowledge of both lifelong learning methodology
(Critical thinking, medical informatics, and biostatistics) and evidence based medicine (research, critical
appraisal, assimilation) in the patient care.
Objective 7: Characterize accurate hypotheses about the cause and effects, diagnosis or therapy,
through clinical reasoning and utilizing electronic databases and other biomedical resources for critical
appraisal and decision-making.
Objective 8: Interpret and correlate the results of clinical tests, common diagnostic or screening
tests, diagnostic procedures (laboratory, radiologic, and histopathological).