Page 6 - Competency ILOs
P. 6

6. Domain 6 (Area 6) Systems-Based Practice

            Description: Graduates must demonstrate an awareness of and responsiveness to the larger context

            and system of health care and the ability to effectively call on system resources to provide care that
            is of optimal value.

                      Key Competencies

            Competency 1: Recognize different health care systems and their logistics.
                    Objective 1: Identify health care resources, explain financial planning, and time management, basic
            health care economics, cost-benefit analysis, principles of recruitment and appraisal of the current health care
                    Objective 2: Organize best-practices patient care plans that incorporate referrals to other healthcare
            providers and/or health facilities to guarantee best health care needs of the community.
                    Objective 3:  Reflect on administrative and practice management responsibilities commensurate with
            one’s role, abilities, and qualifications to help in identifying system errors and implementing potential

            Competency 2: Advocate for quality patient care with respecting medico-legal issues.
                    Objective 4: Negotiate surrogate decision-maker for appropriate surrogate decisions, provision and
            documentation of care at life’s end, provision of care or the transfer of the unstable patient and  what
            constitutes medical negligence.
                    Objective 5: highlight the potential conflicts-of-interest inherent in relationships, including financial
            and equity participation with for-profit health care companies such as pharmaceutical companies,
            laboratories, imaging centers or rehabilitation centers.

            Competency 3: Coordinate health care and community services with diversity of patients.

                    Objective 6:  Delineate the impact of demographic factors on access-to-care, epidemiology of
            disease, and response to medication or other therapy.

                    Objective 7: Clarify the influence of religious beliefs and ethno-cultural viewpoints on the provision of
            care and when they may/must be breached.

                    Objective 8:  Be committed to work effectively in various health care delivery settings, situations and
            systems relevant to one’s clinical specialty.

                    Objective 9: Advocate for quality patient care, optimal patient care systems and patient safety.

              Summarized distribution of program objectives per competency domain and sub-competencies

                                                                               No of key      No of
                                 Competency Domains                                                       %
                                                                              competencies   Objectives
             1. Medical Knowledge                                                 3            11        16
            2. Patient Care                                                       5            13        19
             3. Practice-Based Learning and Improvement                           4            12        17
             4. Interpersonal and Communication Skills                            3            12        17
             5. Professionalism                                                   4            13        19
             6. Systems-Based Practice                                            3            9         13
                                                                          0           22           70        0

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