Page 3 - Competency ILOs
P. 3

Objective 9: Provide health care and health maintenance clinical services aimed at preventing health
            problems or maintaining health, and keeping patient safety.

                    Objective 10: Justify request for consultation, provide timely and cogent responses to requests for
            consultation, refer cases to suitable care centers and recognize principles of patient care during transition of
            providers or settings keeping in mind the patient safety.

                    Objective 11:  Manage to return patients to primary care providers, or admit it to the health facility
            and/or collaborate in continued care as appropriate, when serving as consultant.

            Competency 5: Request and / or perform the essential therapeutic procedures.
                    Objective 12: Request and/or perform core technical procedures (e.g. phlebotomy, performance of
            electrocardiograms, and insertion of intravenous catheters)

                    Objective 13: Perform and document appropriate clinical therapeutic procedures and skills safely
            and correctly with appropriate supervision taking into account patient comfort, autonomy, safety, limits of
            facilities and limits of his own expertise.

                      3. Domain 3 (Area 3) Practice-Based Learning and Improvement

            Description: Graduates must be able to investigate and evaluate their patient care practices, appraise
            and assimilate scientific evidence, and improve their patient care practices.

                      Key Competencies

            Competency 1:  Demonstrate advocacy for scholarly activities.

                    Objective 1: Apply principles of computer management and clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics,
            Evidence-Based Medicine and analysis of medical literature.

                    Objective 2: Search literature using traditional and electronic means to appraise, produce, compile
            or translate best evidence practices needed for the faced clinical scenarios.
                    Objective 3: Establish clinical decision-making utilizing and applying new best evidence-clinical
            practice guidelines, standards, new technologies and recommendations, after considering the physician
            expertise, evidence strength, patient values and resources.

            Competency 2: Promote personal development and life-long learning.

                    Objective 4: Confess with limits in his own knowledge, skills and expertise and accept and integrate
            feedback given to him and set improvement plans
                    Objective 5. Review his practice and make self-evaluation to know his current level and realizing the
            need for reform plan and professional development.

                    Objective 6.  Establish the needed knowledge and skills for lifelong learning and self-directed
            learning and enquiry.

            Competency 3: Use reflection and constructive feedback skills.
                    Objective 7: Reflect on timeliness and punctuality in all academic activities with students, peers,
            colleagues, patients, associates, other profession or society.
                     Objective 8: Show willingness and participate in reform suggestions for colleagues,
            students, patients, families, trainees, and other health professionals.

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