Page 3 - Classical ILOs
P. 3
IC Key Competency 1: Create and sustain an effective communication with patients
and their relatives.
C 3: Demonstrate the skills of active listening and ability to perform effective patent
and family interviews.
C 4: Record all the medical information in a clear, concise, complete and organized
manner using the well-known terminology and codes.
C 5: Articulate effective, written reports and summaries for any consultation,
supervisory or referral activities and resolve conflict points in multiple settings when
IC Key Competency 2: Create effective communication to patients and their relatives.
C 6: Summarize and brief the case to the patient and/or relatives using different
ways according to the situations and audience.
C 7: Convey clearly information to patients with respect to treatment programs and
options, health maintenance and illness prevention.
C 8: Utilize protocols of informed consent and informed refusal with the patients,
and/or guardians to make shared decisions with understanding of the legal and ethical
4. Attitude and behavioral Skills
IC Key Competency 2: Create effective communication to patients and their relatives.
A 1: Express sensitivity, honesty, and compassion to convey bad news while
supporting the emotional needs of the recipients of the information.
IC Key Competency 3: Work and communicate effectively with others.
A 2: Interact with peers; other members of the health care team and the community
at large, using the suitable wording and expressions.
A 3: Work in team settings as a member or leader by identifying roles and
assignments, planning and prioritizing, accepting responsibilities and assisting others.
PR Key Competency 1: Cope with career demands with suitable balance with personal
and family life.
A 4: Recognize their value as a professional health care provider who will serve in
different demographics and provide appropriate role modeling that values timely attendance,
punctuality, and reliability in duty performance.
A 5: Role model honesty and integrity with all academic and student responsibilities
and implement duties and rules of good doctor practice and doctor attire as well as avoiding
smoking, alcohol and substance abuse, and obligations that may harm physician career.
A 6: Role model integrity, altruism, and respect for community needs (awareness,
campaigns, health education and continuous medical education) and ability to differentiate
between appropriate and inappropriate deals, interests, benefits or gifts.