Page 6 - Classical ILOs
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G 5: Show willingness and participate in reform suggestions for colleagues, students,
        patients, families, trainees, and other health professionals.
                  G 6: Provide constructive feedback to peers, lecturers, and preceptors, based on
        sound scientific methodology for the purpose of continuous professional development.

        PL Key Competency 4: Demonstrate skills and abilities as a clinical teacher.
                  G 7: Articulate, design and deliver structured educational presentations.
                  G 8: Express teaching skills by providing learner-appropriate content in a sound
        suitable language, supervision, and coaching/constructive feedback.
        IC Key Competency 3: Work and communicate effectively with others.
                  G 9: Work effectively with other health care professionals, including those from other
        disciplines, as a team member or leader to provide patient-focused care.

                  G 10: Resolve conflicts through Listening/explaining; Feedback;
        Respect/trust/consensus development.

        SB Key Competency 1: Recognize different health care systems and their logistics.
                  G 11: Identify health care resources; explain financial planning, and time
        management, basic health care economics, cost-benefit analysis, principles of recruitment
        and appraisal of the current health care services.
                  G 12:  Reflect on administrative and practice management responsibilities
        commensurate with one’s role, abilities, and qualifications to help in identifying system errors
        and implementing potential solutions.
        SB Key Competency 3: Coordinate health care and community services with diversity
        of patients.
                  G 13:  Be committed to work effectively in various health care delivery settings,
        situations and systems relevant to one’s clinical specialty.
                  G 14: Advocate for quality patient care, optimal patient care systems and patient

                          Summarized distribution of program ILOs per NARS domains
                                                                            Related  key  No         of
        NARS Domains                                                                                     %
                                                                            competencies  Objectives
            1.  Knowledge and understanding  (K)                                   5            12       17
            2.  Practical & clinical Skills (P)                                    5            10       14
            3.  Professional attitude & behavioral Skills (A)                      4             8       11
            4.  Communication Skills (C)                                           7            13       19
            5.   Intellectual Skills (I)                                           9            13       19
            6.  General & transferable Skills (G)                                  6            14       20


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