Page 27 - Code of Conduct
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15. Article 15: Gifts and Rewards
a. You may not seek and also not to give to any staff member or employee any form
of reward (including gifts, favours, prizes or fees) for performing your duties..
Gifts or rewards can be seen as bribes or inducements that put you under an
obligation to someone other than Tanat University Faculty of Medicine.
b. But if there is a declared competition by the faculty at any field with known prize
and adequate time for that completion, so there is no harm to receive prize.
16. Article 16: Exams :
To follow the general rules of exams :
Respecting time
ID should be worn in every exam.
No phones or social media allowed
No food nor drinks allowed
Presence in every exams where patients is present with white coat
Cheating is not allowed at all , and you should remember that every exam is
recorded by video
Abiding with the rule of every exam which will be announced by enough time
away from the exam
17. Article 17: Participation in meetings and conferences:
Student participation in local and national meetings of interest to the College
and student body is encouraged. In order to represent the College of
Medicine at any meeting or conference, a student must be in good academic
standing. Attendance by all means, should not interfere with an exam or a
graduation task. Approval for absences should be obtained in advance.
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