Page 24 - Code of Conduct
P. 24
V. Ownership of Information
a. The College owns all data stored on computer systems. The administration has
the right to access and view this information at any time.
b. The network is being continually monitored and staff found using the system
inappropriately may face disciplinary action.
VI. Data Storage on Computer Systems and Servers
Only studying information can be stored on computer systems. You are not
permitted to store any personal data on the computer system, including
documents, spreadsheets, databases, games and jokes.
11. Article 11: Plagiarism
a. Medical students should not commit in any form of plagiarism. Plagiarism is
taken very seriously within College and a number of methods are employed to
detect it.
b. Students should ensure the integrity of their work by seeking advice from their
lecturers, tutor or supervisor on avoiding plagiarism. It is the responsibility of the
author of any work to ensure that he/she does not commit plagiarism.
c. Plagiarism can arise from actions such as:
Copying another student's work;
Enlisting another person or persons to complete an assignment on the
student's behalf;
Quoting directly, without acknowledgement, from books, articles or other
sources, either in printed, recorded or electronic format;
Paraphrasing, without acknowledgement, the writings of other authors.
Work submitted as the product of collusion with other students (group work
without teacher knowledge) may be considered to be plagiarism.
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